BioMonth - CSC supercomputing and data management for bioscientists

Extra exercise: Replicating a Conda environment in a container

This is an extra exercise. It can not be run in Puhti. You will need access to a computer or a virtual machine where you have sudo rights and that has Singularity 3.x installed.


Conda is a usefull tool for installing software with complex dependencies. It has, however, some problems, especially on systems like Puhti.

The main problems are related to storage: Conda environments can be quite large and can have tens of thousands of files. Just 3-4 environments are enough to fill the basic quota of project’s /projapp directory.

Conda environments can also be somewhat sensitive to changes in the base system, meaning that e.g. updates in Puhti can sometimes break Conda environments, necessitating a re-install.

Using a Singularity container instead can help with bot problems: Singularity containers are just single file that is typically smaller than the total size of the Conda environment directory. They are also less sensitive for changes in host system.

It is relatively easy to replicate an existing Conda environment inside a container.

Check for ready containers

You should check first if the software package is already avaliable as a Singularity or a Docker container.

The advantage of a ready container is that they can usually be pulled/converted with normal user rights in Puhti.

You can find more detailed instructions for converting Docker images in Docs CSC: Running existing containers

Replicating existing Conda environment

If you have an existing Conda environment, you can save environmet.ymlfile and use it to replicate the environment.

Please note that the environment.yml file will only reflect changes to environment made using conda commands. If you have made any changes directly, you will need to replicate those changes in the definition file.

Make sure the environment you want to replicate is activated, and give command:

conda env export > environment.yml

You can try with one of your own environments, or download an example to use for this exercise:


In addition to the environmet.yml file, you will need a Singularity definition file.

Create a file called conda_environment.def with following content (you can copy-paste).

Bootstrap: docker

From: continuumio/miniconda3



    ENV_NAME=$(head -1 environment.yml | cut -d' ' -f2)
    echo ". /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
    echo "conda activate $ENV_NAME" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT

    . /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/
    conda env create -f environment.yml -p /opt/conda/envs/$ENV_NAME

    exec "$@"

Make sure files environment.ymland conda_environment.def are in the current directory and give command:

sudo singularity build fastx.sif conda_environment.def

This will build a Singularity image file called fastx.sif.

We can test now that it works:

singularity exec fastx.sif fastq_to_fasta -h

The image file could now be transferred and used in Puhti.

Comparision of installation methods

This particular environment was chosen because it is a “good bad example” on what effect different installation methods can have.

The software package is a collection of applications written in C++ with only a few dependencies. Usually similar packages are best installed natively. In this case, however, the code is quite old, and will not compile with modern gcc versions without some changes to source code.

It is available in Bioconda repository, so it is available for install simply with:

conda install fastx_toolkit

Replicating the Conda environment as a container like we did in this exercise is already better.

In this case there would even better option: Building from a ready container:

singularity build fastx.sif docker://biocontainers/fastx-toolkit:v0.0.14-6-deb_cv1