BioMonth - CSC supercomputing and data management for bioscientists

Singularity tutorial

In this tutorial we get familiar with the basic usage of Singularity containers.

To run these exercises in Puhti, use sinteractive.

sinteractive -i

Getting started

To get started, download a test container image from allas.

ls -lh tutorial.sif

As you can see, the container is a single file. In this case the container is very bare-bones, and thus quite small, about 50 MB.

Actual application containers are typically larger, since they also contain the software installation, and may in some cases include some reference data etc.

Basic usage

There are three basic ways to run software in a Singularity container:

1. Singularity exec

To execute a command inside the container, the command is singularity exec.

singularity exec tutorial.sif hello_world

Compare the outputs of the following commands:

cat /etc/*release
singularity exec tutorial.sif cat /etc/*release

The first command is run in the host. The second command is run inside the container.

The tutorial container is based on Ubuntu 18.04. The host and the container use the same kernel, but the rest of the system can vary. That means a container can be based on a different Linux distro than the host (as long as they the are kernel compatible), but can’t run a totally differen OS like Windows.

2. Singularity run

When containers are created, a standard action, called the runscript is defined. Depending on the container, it may simply print out a message, or it may launch a program or service inside the container. If you are using a container created by somebody else, you will need to check the documentation provided by the creator for details.

In our test container it prints out a simple message:

singularity run tutorial.sif

If the container image has execute rights, you can also run it directly:

chmod u+x tutorial.sif

You can see the actual script with command:

singularity inspect --runscript tutorial.sif

3. Singularity shell

It is also possible to open a shell inside the container.

singularity shell tutorial.sif

You can see the comamnd prompt change to Singularity>. You can now run any software inside the container interactively:


You can exit the container with:


Using files

Singularity containers have their own internal file system that is separate from the host file system. The internal file system is always read-only when the container is run with normal user rights.

In most real-world use cases you probably want to access the host file system to read and write files. To do this you must bind a writable directory on host file system to the internal file system of the container.

This is done with command line argument --bind (or -B). The basic syntax is --bind /path/in/host:/path/inside/container.

The bind path does not need to exist inside the container. It is created if necessary. 
More that one bind pair can be specified. The option is available for all the run methods 
described above.

First try listing the contents of your project directory (substitute the correct path) 
from inside the container without bind:

export SCRATCH=/scratch/project_12345
singularity exec tutorial.sif ls 

This will not work. The container can not see the host diectory, so you will get a No such file or directory error.

Now try binding host directory /scratch to directory /scratch inside the container.

singularity exec --bind /scrath:/scratch tutorial.sif ls $SCRATCH

This time the host directory is linked to to the container directory and the command works.

The path does not need to be the same in host and in the container. Some containers may be set up, for example, to expect input data or configuration files in a certain directory.

In this example we bind host directory specified in $SCRATCH into directory /input:

singularity exec --bind $SCRATCH:/input tutorial.sif ls /input

If you use wrapper script singularity_wrapper, it will take care of the binds for most common use cases.

singularity_wrapper exec tutorial.sif ls $SCRATCH

If environment variable $SING_IMAGE is set, you don’t even need to provide path to the image file.

export SING_IMAGE=$PWD/tutorial.sif
singularity_wrapper exec ls $SCRATCH

Since some modules set $SING_IMAGE when loaded it is a good idea to start with module purge if you plan to use it, to make sure correct image is used.

Environment variables

Some software may reguire some environment variables to be set, e.g. to point to some reference data or a configuration file.

Most environment variables set on the host are inherited by the container. Sometimes this may be undesirable. With command line option –cleanenv host environment is not inherited by the conatiner.

To set an environment variable specifically inside the container, you can set an environment variable $SINGULARITYENV_xxx (where xxx is the variable name) on the host before invoking the container.

Set some test variables:

export TEST1="value1"

Compare the outputs of:

env |grep TEST
singularity exec tutorial.sif env |grep TEST
singularity exec --cleanenv tutorial.sif env |grep TEST

The first command is run on host and we see $TEST1 and $SINGULARITYENV_TEST2. The second command is run in the container and we see $TEST1 (inherited from host) and $TEST2 (specifically set inside the container by setting $SINGULARITYENV_TEST2on host). The third command is also run inside the container, but this time we omitted host environment variables, so we only see $TEST2.

Exploring containers

Our test container includes program hello2, but it is not in the $PATH. One way to find it is to try running findinside the container

singularity exec tutorial.sif find / -type f -name "hello2" 2>/dev/null

You can now run it by providing the full path:

singularity exec tutorial.sif /found/me/hello2

Or you could add it to $PATH inside the container:

singularity exec tutorial.sif hello2

If you can’t locate the desired binary with find, you can always use singularity shell to explore the container.

How to get containers

Building containers from scratch requires root access, so it can not be done on Puhti. Instead, you will have to import a ready image file.

There are various option to do this.

Pull an existing Singularity container from a repository

Use singularity pull:

singularity pull shub://vsoch/hello-world

Convert an existing Docker container to Singularity

Use singularity build:

singularity build pytorch_20.03-py3.sif docker://

Unlike Singularity images that are downloaded as as single file, Docker images are downloaded as layers. These layers are stored in the cache directory. Default location for this is $HOME/.singularity/.cache. Since the home directory has limited capacity, and some images can be large, it’s best to set $SINGULARITY_CACHE to point to some other location with more space.

You can find more detailed instructions for converting Docker images in Docs CSC: Running existing containers

Build the image on another system and transfer the image file to Puhti

To do this you will need an access to system where you have root access and that has Singularity installed.

Singularity version does not need to be exactly same, but it should be same major varsion e.g. (3.x as oppsed to 2.x).

You can check the current version on Puhti with:

singularity --version

After creating an image file, you can transfer it to Puhti to use.

More information

This tutorial is meant as brief introduction to get you started.

When searching the internet for instruction, pay attention that the instructions are for the same version of Singularity that you are using. There has been some command syntax changes etc. between the versions, so older instructions may not work with copy-paste.

For authoritative instructions see Singularity documentation.