This exercise requires that you have a user account at CSC and it is a member of a project that has access to Puhti service.
You will learn:
Let’s imagine that we have some sequencing data that we wish to align to a reference genome, and check the quality of the alignment.
The biokit module sets up a set of commonly used bioinformatics tools.
module spider hisat
Is there some version of HISAT2 also available?
module load biokit
module list
Was HISAT2 available in the biokit?
module list
command above, it was not included in the biokit. Like we learned, you can try to look for it from the application manual page and by using the module spider reseqc
.No luck? What next? Let’s take a look at the bioconda environment.
Some applications are installed and used as Conda environments in Puhti. You can use CSC’s bioconda environment also to easily install tools from Bioconda repository.
Let’s check what is available with spider again, and load one of the modules:
module spider bioconda
module load bioconda/3
Take a look at the message you get. Note, that some dependency modules were re-loaded in the background. It says that we first need to set the PROJAPPL environment variable.
To do so, run command (you can check the name/number of your project(s) with command csc-workspaces
export PROJAPPL=/projappl/project_XXXXXXX
Check which applications are available in this bioconda environment:
conda env list
See RSeQc there?