installing, making and making your own C, C++, or Fortran program in the CSC environment
scenario A: you have a code already, you want to install it and run it.
Create a proper directory for your code (command: mkdir dir-name)
You need the codes sources files. Download from e.g. GitHub or use e.g. scp to upload a .zip file to the directory (
Unzip you code (line command: unzip
Follow any instructions on how to install. Usually comes with the code in form of a ‘readme’ or ’how to install’ file.
Install scenario A1: the code comes with cmake
Load the module cmake with line command: module load cmake, and load also any other e.g. libraries the code needs (avilable modules: module spider), or try download and install also needed libraries.
Create a ‘build’ directory, and go to that directory (line commad: mkdir build, then: cd build)
Run cmake ..
If error messages, try to fix. If it becomes really messed up, remove all and start again from the .zip file
Run ‘make’ to compile the specific codes you want to use
Ask help from servicedesk if you really get stuck (mail to:
Install scenario A2: the code comes with a makefile
Module load or install separately any needed libraries (check available modules with line command: module spider. Load module with: module load name-of-module)
Edit the ‘makefile’ and replace compile and link commands with proper ones for Mahti ( or Puhti (
Run the command ‘make’
Read error messages and try to fix
Ask help from servicedesk if not successfull (mail to:
Scenario B: you want to write your own code
You need an editor
Launch an editor and write the code
Compile your code (on puhti:, and on Mahti:
Fix bugs until compiler accepts code
Write your own simple code, compile it if necessary and run it.