Where would you share your files such as programme packages and data files to other project members on the same supercomputer (i.e., on Puhti) as well as on Mahti (i.e, another supercomputer at CSC)?
This exercise is aimed at familiarising yourself with main disk areas in Puhti and Mahti supercomputers. Data files needed for computational analysis should be stored and shared in scratch directories and any software compilations and binaries should be shared in proappl directory. In order to find actual directories use commands such as csc-workspaces
and csc-projects
. Data transfer between two supercomputers can be done with many tools including rsync
. In this example try to avoid using allas for data transfer between the supercomputers. You may download an example programme package (i.e.,ggplot2_3.3.3_Rprogramme.tar.gz) and data file (i.e., Merged.fasta) from allas object storage
ssh yourcscusername@puhti.csc.fi
Authenticate using the password associated with CSC user account. Once your login to Puhti is successful, Linux terminal will be opened for command-line interaction in your home directory.
wget https://a3s.fi/CSC_training/shared_files.tar.gz
tar -xavf shared_files.tar.gz
cd shared_files
Let’s assume that file Merged.fasta is data file intended for computational use and ggplot2_3.3.3_Rprogramme.tar.gz is a software tool needed for analysis. You can now share file Merged.fasta in scratch folder and ggplot2_3.3.3_Rprogramme.tar.gz file in projapple directory.
cp ggplot2_3.3.3_Rprogramme.tar.gz /projappl/project_xxxx/$USER
cp Merged.fasta /scratch/project_xxxx/$USER
All new files and directories are also fully accessible for other group members (including read, write and execution permissions). If you want to restrict access from your group members, you can reset the permissions with chmod command.
Set read-only permissions for your group members for the file Merged.fasta:
chmod -R g-w Merged.fasta
you can copy Merged.fasta file on puhti to scratch drive on Mahti as below:
rsync -P Merged.fasta yourcscusername@mahti.csc.fi:/scratch/project_xxxx/$USER
you can copy ggplot2_3.3.3_Rprogramme.tar.gz file on puhti to projappl directory on Mahti as below:
rsync -P ggplot2_3.3.3_Rprogramme.tar.gz yourcscusername@mahti.csc.fi:/projappl/project_xxxx/$USER