Containers and Workflows in Bioinformatics

Snakemake workflow, which is described in terms of rules that define how to create output files from input files, is one of the popular workflows in the bioinformatics community. Snakemake is available as a module in Puhti environment. And also, Snakemake can be easily installed in the user’s own disk space (e.g., Projappl directory) if a specific version of snakemake is needed.

Installing the needed python packages with tykky wrapper

Conda installations should not be done directly on Puhti. Tykky wrapper tool instead be used to install python packages in setting up your compute environment. The wrapper tool installs applications inside of a singularity container and thus facilitates better performance in terms of faster startup times, reduced IO load, and reduced number of files on parallel filesystems.

Here is an example of tykky-based custom installation for installing your python packages (make sure to edit with correct CSC project name and user name as needed):

# start an interactive session once you are in login node
sinteractive -c 8 -m 30000 -d 100  # this command requests a compute node with 8 cores, 30 GB memory and 100 GB local disk space; change settings as needed
# load needed packages
module load git   # git command is not available by default on interactive nodes
module load purge  # clean environment 
module load tykky # load tykky wrapper 
# install python libraries using tykky wrapper tool; make sure to use proper project/username
mkdir -p /projappl/<project>/$USER && mkdir -p /projappl/<project>/$USER/snakemake_tykky
conda-containerize new --prefix  /projappl/<project>/$USER/snakemake_tykky env.yaml    

In the above example, Tykky installs a basic setup (as listed in the file, env.yml) to the directory ‘/projappl/project_xxxx/$USER/snakemake_tykky’. Please note that you have to append the bin directory of installation to the $PATH variable before start using the installed environment as below:

export PATH="/projappl/project_xxxx/$USER/snakemake_tykky/bin:$PATH"

Download tutorial material ( codes for installation and data) from allas object storage as below:

tar -xavf snakemake_tutorial.tar.gz

Install necessary python environment using tykky wrapper as instructed above. Once installation is succesful, you can use the following code to run as batch script (file:

#SBATCH --job-name=myTest
#SBATCH --account=project_xxxxx
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
#SBATCH --partition=test
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4

export PATH="/projappl/project_xxxx/$USER/snakemake_tykky/bin:$PATH"
snakemake -s Snakefile  -j 4

Finally, you can submit batch job from the login nodes as below:


Installing fewer missing packages with pip

The current Snakemake module on Puhti is based on pip-installation and has a limited set of other python packages. For any real-world examples, one needs to have other python packages which can be installed using pip in a user defined folder (e.g., a directory in scratch or Projappl)

Change to working directory to e.g., scratch area and create a folder for installing python packages (Here, let’s install matplotlib package that is not available in Snakemake module)

cd /scratch/project_xxx/$USER/snakemake_workflow/ && mkdir venv

Install the needed packages:

export PYTHONUSERBASE="/scratch/project_xxx/$USER/snakemake_workflow/venv"
pip3.9 install --user matplotlib 
export PATH="/scratch/project_xxx/yetukuri/snakemake_workflow/venv/bin:$PATH"
export PYTHONPATH="/scratch/project_xxx/yetukuri/snakemake_workflow/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/"  
#(this needs to be the same version of python package)