BioMonth - CSC supercomputing and data management for bioscientists


1. Run a container from an image named “alpine” from DockerHub and execute a command inside that container so that output from the container is “welcome to csc”

docker run alpine echo "welcome to CSC"

2. How would you run the same hello-world example from a different docker registry? Name few third-party docker registries besides DockerHub

Default registry for docker client is DockerHub. That is why docker run command fetched hello-world image from DockerHub For other registries, one has to write fully qualified name of docker images and it would look something like this: host name/repository/imagename:tag.

A fully qualified generic name for referencing hello-world image from DockerHub is as below:

docker run  # from dockerHub

Many other third party docker registries (=storage and distribution system for named Docker images) do exist besides DockerHub. Few examples include: